How to Force Quit Apps that are Not Responding in Windows 11 – Guide
Nothing irritates a Windows user more than an application that refuses to close. When an application or application in Windows stops responding, closing it becomes progressively difficult. It wouldn’t budge no matter how hard you tried to close the X-branded program. Fortunately, Windows 11 offers some alternative options to force-quit these recalcitrant apps, just like previous versions. This article is for you if you are unable to terminate an application using standard procedures. In this article, we’ll show you some alternative methods to force quit apps in Windows 11. So let’s take a look.
How to Force Quit Unresponsive Apps on Your Windows 11
The easiest way to kill a program in Windows is via the shortcut Alt + F4. Was always. This Windows shortcut is particularly useful when the program is in full-screen mode or not responding. Before using this shortcut, make sure the window you want to force close is active. Otherwise, you might end up up closing another program. Also, after pressing it, wait for Windows to respond before pressing it again.
While the above method works great to force quit programs in Windows, sometimes you may need a more powerful alternative. That’s where Task Manager comes in. It allows you to force quit applications and programs by analyzing their memory consumption. Here it is how to force quit a program in Windows 11 using Task Manager. Just like apps and programs, Task Manager also allows you to terminate background processes or a child process of a program running on your PC.
Available on most versions of Windows, Command Prompt is a powerful utility that is widely used to run scripts, perform advanced administrative tasks, and troubleshoot recurring Windows issues. In addition, you can also use the command prompt to force quit a program or process in Windows 11. Here’s how. to-do list taskkill /im ProgramName.exe /t /f Replace ‘ProgramName’ in the above command with the actual name of the program noted earlier. Once terminated, you will see a success message appear on the console. Alternatively, you can also kill a program using its PID (or ProcessID). You can find a program’s ProcessID next to its name in the Task List. Once you have the PID, use the command below to force close. taskkill /pid ProcessID /t /f Replace ‘ProcessID’ in the above command with the actual process number found next to its name.
Final note
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